As a cognitive behavioural coach I offer individual counselling type sessions and workshops for children, teenagers, parents and teachers based around NLP.
I have specific techniques that I use with children and teenagers. These have been adapted from mainstream NLP methodologies. NLP can be likened to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which is a combination of processes that can be used in a therapeutic environment.
It has a structured way of challenging unhelpful generalisations that children or teenagers might have abut their world or their abilities. NLP differs in some ways from CBT, in that NLP id very client centred and as well as challenging unhelpful thought patterns, it has strong focus on moving the attitude and midst of children in a positive way, towards what they can be, can do or can achieve instead.
My therapy sessions are also designed too help children and teenagers develop greater sensory awareness, which can be particularly helpful in supporting academic achievements in education.
The individualised sessions I offer to children tend to be reactive. They usually take place because there is a problem or challenge that they need help in overcoming.