Sessions can be offered as face to face appointments or via telephone or Skype depending on the nature of the issue and the appropriate therapy.
Hypnotherapy – phobias, additictive behaviour, forensic psychotherapy, sports development, skillenhancement, insomnia, memory loss, self harm, night terrors, enhancement of creativity, weight control, accelerated learning, pain control, panic attacks, amnesia, exam panic
Psychotherapy – Bipolar disorder, anxiety, OCD, anger management, sleep disorders, behaviour management, relationship issues, addiction, confidence building, exam stress, creative development, family interventions, public speaking, accelerated learning, ADHD & ADD, autism, stuttering
Educational challenges – accelerated learning, exam stress, challenging behaviour, violent behaviour, autism, learning profiling, theraputic metaphor, better studying strategies, dealing with peer pressure, confidence building, family conflict, self harm, eating disorders, enhanced memoery skills, bullyinh, substance misuse, social media dependancy